People are travelling for leisure much more than ever before. Just a few decades ago, overseas travel was a rare treat, and frequent travel was the domain of the wealthy. Now with flights being much more affordable, we are travelling more often and more people can afford to visit beautiful countries such as Cyprus. In more recent times, we’ve seen Instagram have an impact on travel, with stunning images tempting us to travel more and more.

Instagram is Giving Boost the Travel TourisIndustry inner

Instagram brings motivations

Before social media, we rarely got to see holiday photos. Our close friends may have taken a few snaps to show us when they had the film developed, but now we can see thousands of wonderful holiday pictures from people all over the world. These days we can take hundreds of photographs on our digital cameras or phones, picking out the very best ones to post on Instagram. When you view holiday photographs, especially when you’re having a dull day or the weather is cold and gloomy, it can certainly motivate you to start planning your next trip away. Planning and booking a trip is so easy with the Internet, you can have your next holiday booked within minutes.


It can highlight environmental issues

Instagram can also help to bring awareness of world issues and encourage us to take a closer look at travelling with social and environmental issues in mind. Eco-tourism is on the increase as more people wish to travel without having an adverse impact on the environment, or placing their holiday money into the hands of people who are not socially and environmentally responsible.


Spreading uplifting thoughts and ideas

Those holiday images on Instagram can be so uplifting. Seeing beautiful sights can inspire you. Perhaps it literally inspires you to visit these places, or it may just lift your spirits and make you feel happier. Posting a thoughtful message alongside your holiday photographs can be an inspiration to others too.


Instagram brings people together

The world is a lot less lonely when you can socialise with others all over the world by simply liking an image or posting a comment. A holiday photograph can connect people from all over the globe. Perhaps the image is of somewhere you’re planning to go to, you may even get some good tips if you take the time to ask. Maybe it’s a photo of your favourite holiday destination and you’re pleased to see others enjoying it too. When you post your own photos, and someone likes them or posts a positive comment, it’s a good feeling. It leaves you wanting to post more images of your travels, and explore more places.


Book a villa in Insta-worthy Cyprus

If you love posting your holiday photos on Instagram, then Cyprus is certainly a destination worth considering. It’s so picturesque, with breath-taking viewsamazing sunsets and wonderful historic sites to explore and photograph. Check out our website and book a luxurious villa for the perfect base for your Cyprus holiday. All our villas are very photogenic in their own right, so don’t forget to photograph your holiday villa for Instagram too!